In the light of his moral qualities and his erudition, the damel. Sheikh ahmadou bamba lived from 1853 to 1927 while senegal was under french colonial rule. In the name of god the compassionate the merciful prayers, peace, and blessing be upon the prophet muhammad. Shaykh ahmadou bamba s life and teachings are exemplary for the modern and the islamic world in particular in need of guidance to find a way out of a spiraling destruction due to violence and rigid literal religious interpretations of sacred texts by those who have lost access to the keys of the texts inner wisdom. While this important sufi has been a lot of research, and although there are abundant hagiographic literature ahmadou bamba, we still had no critical analysis of his life. Ladoctrineducheikhahmadoubamba free download ebook in pdf and epub. Cheikh ahmadou bamba was born in 1853 in the village of mbacke mbakke bawol in wolof in baol, the son of habibullah bouso mbacke, a marabout from the qadiriyya, the oldest tariqa sufi order in senegal, and maryam bousso. We will start the event with an exposition on life and legacy of the cheikh at the raleigh convention center and hold a conference in the evening, click on the read article for more details. His countrymen affectionately called cheikh ahmadou bamba. Shaykh ahmadou bambas life and teachings are exemplary for the modern and the islamic world in particular in need of guidance to find a way out of a spiraling destruction due to violence and rigid literal religious interpretations of sacred texts by those who have lost access to the keys of the texts inner wisdom.
Cheikh ahmadou bamba life, teachings and poetry 3rd edition free download as pdf file. Cheikh ahmadou bamba prayed two rakkats in the governors office before addressing the council, declaring his firm intention to be subjected to god alone. African language materials including interviews in video and pdf versions. Cheikh ahmadou bamba day, august 09, 2011 the day has come again, to celebrate cheikh ahmadou bamba mbacke day in raleigh.
His greatgrandfather, mame maram muhammad alkhayri, had been the founder and feudal chieftain of mbacke, and it was due to this fact that his family used. Cheikh ahmadou bamba mbacke mouridiyya founder, is a central figure in the history of islam in senegal. The owner of touba is one of the many endearing names of shaykh ahmadu bamba or cheikh amadou bamba. Ahsma ul tahlil is a collection of 34 powerful verses in the quran by cheikh ahmadou bamba. The life of sheikh ahmadou bamba is a testimony of his commitment to the revival of authentic islam, the religion of peace and his only ideal was to serve humanity by giving teachings in accordance with the prophetic model. Cheikh ahmadou bamba mbacke1 muhammad ibn muhammad ibn habibullaah his full name carried the name of his fathers master. Cheikh ahmadou bamba founded the mouride brotherhood in 1883, with its capital is touba, senegal.
Khassida cheikh ahmadou bamba mbacke touba clermontferrand. Cheikh ahmadou bamba religions and beliefs in senegal. Mouride beliefs amadou bamba is considered a renewer mujaddid in. He wrote books, recommended righteous actions, helped all beings, had compassion for. Senegal, at the time, was under french colonial rule governing smaller kingdoms throughout the country. Cheikh ahmadou bamba was a senegalese muslim saint who is renowned for his resistance to the imperialism and oppression of the french colonizers. Luminaries iv cheikh ahmadou bamba mbacke healing hearts. Cheikh ahmadou bamba, named the servant of the prophet, has played a key role in demonstrating how one can be on the service of allah without using violence, or destructing the peaceful living of. He was subjected to confinement and all sorts of injustices including exile in gabon. He grew up in a period of turmoil in the wolof states marked by the intensification then suppression of the slave trade, civil wars and french colonial encroachment. The khassaides, poems, of serigne touba are inspired by the the holy quran and the prophet muhammad, pbuh. Marabou son of the brotherhood of xaadir qadiriyya the oldest senegal cheikh ahmadou bamba mbacke was a muslim ascetic and mystic who wrote on meditation, rituals, quranic studies and manufactured amulets talisman for his followers.
This is a rare book in english on the life, teachings, and poetry of the great sufi master. Ahmadou bamba mbacke also known as khadimu alrasul or the servant of the. This work of cheikh ahmadou bamba mbacke may allah be well pleased with him is for anyone who wants to acquire knowledge and achieve a goal in this earthly life. Cheikh ahmadou bamba life, teachings and poetry 3rd. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. This ebook was digitized from an original copy by the. A hmadu bamba, the founder of the muridiyya of senegal, was born in the early 1850s to a family of wolof ulama muslim learned men in the precolonial. This ebook was digitized from an original copy by the west african. The french administration was seriously concerned about the growing popularity of cheikh ahmadou bamba. Sindidi, one of the mostrecited poems of shaykh ahmadu bamba, is also considered a powerful prayer for protection, and as you can hear below, also makes for a beautiful recitation. Madou bamba 18101927 est sans doute le chef religieux le plus presti ieux quait connu le senekal. He was the child of a sayyid father and a sayyid mother. All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the creative commons cc0 license. Today all the predictions of cheikh ahmadou bamba have come true.
They asked her, who are you, mysterious veiled one. And the light replied, i am her, the light, being the teacher of all disciples of the heart. Cheikh ahmadou bambas father, maam mor anta saly, was a great and respected scholar in islam. The mouride order compiled by saliou mbacke historical notes mouridism or almouridiya in arabic is an islamic sufi doctrine established in senegal west africa in 18821883 by cheikh ahmadou bamba mbacke. The weapons he used for resistance were his knowledge and piety for which the french authority persecuted him. Cheikh ahmadou bamba life, teachings and poetry 3rd edition2. Posts about cheikh ahmadou bamba written by cheikh sufi. Ladoctrineducheikhahmadoubamba download free pdf epub. There is a descending hierarchy of lowerrank marabouts, each with a regional following.
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